Severe burns are considered catastrophic injuries due to the long-term effect they will have on the injured individual. These types of serious burns can be caused by a wide array of accidents and circumstances, from vehicle fires resulting from car accidents to workplace and construction explosions involving chemical and electrical burns as well as fires, to engine fires aboard other vessels such as boats, trains, and airplanes. Severe chemical, thermal, or electrical burns can also result from the use of defective consumer products which malfunction.
Physical contact with fire, heat, radiation, chemicals, or electricity can result in damage to the skin, nerves, and surrounding tissues. Burns on the surface on the body may penetrate to areas far beneath this, causing damage to muscle, fat, and even bones. Deep burns can lead to other physical complications, such as shock, respiratory problems, infections, and more, requiring additional medical treatment to handle them. Those who suffer severe burns can experience agonizing pain, blisters, swelling, and loss of skin. They may also suffer from smoke inhalation as well as other injuries brought on by the original event. They may require intravenous fluids, multiple surgeries, such as skin grafts, intensive care, months of rehabilitative treatment, and specialized medical treatment at a burn center. They may be permanently disfigured or left with extensive scars.
According to the American Burn Association, it is estimated that 450,000 burn injuries occurred in 2011, based on federal surveys. More than half of these victims were admitted to centers for acute burn injuries (burn centers), which average 200 admissions per year. According to this organization, there has been a steady increase of such admissions over the last few decades. Of the 450,000 burn injury victims, approximately 3,500 fatalities ensued. Most of the burn injury deaths occur at the scene of the accident or incident or while being transported to a medical facility. 44 percent of these burn injury incidents involved flames or fire.
Causes of severe burn injuries include flammable liquids and chemicals, cigarette smoking, welding, hot machines, space heaters, water heaters, boiling liquids, and fires from explosions, car accidents, and other types of accidents. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, on the job deaths from burn injuries more than doubled from 2009 to 2010. Most of these fatalities involved fires.
Further statistics place burn injuries as the second leading cause behind car accidents of accidental death in the U.S. According to the National Fire Protection Association, motor vehicle fires in 2008 resulted in an average of 520 deaths, 1, 640 injuries, and 1.3 billion dollars in property damages. Such fires are caused by collisions and rollovers of vehicles in motor vehicle accidents. Per this group, those most at risk of such burn injury deaths are older teens and young adults. Motor vehicle fires emit toxic fumes and gases, including carbon monoxide which can cause death and may reach temperatures of 1500 degrees Fahrenheit.
You may have suffered severe burns due to the negligence of another, whether another driver, a negligent car or other consumer product manufacturer, or a negligent third party at a construction site or other workplace. As a result, you may be facing a long and difficult recovery. You may not fully understand your legal rights or options and may have little time, attention, or ability to attend to a personal injury claim. Getting the experienced opinion, advice, and assistance of a personal injury attorney can be extremely valuable at such a difficult time. Connecting the parties liable for your injuries to your claim or lawsuit is an important aspect of your quest for fair compensation for the damages you have incurred as a result of your injuries.
Our firm will take all of the necessary steps to gather evidence, medical documentation, and all other required information to present a fully documented injury claim against the negligent parties on your behalf. We will work diligently to maximize your financial recovery so that you and your family can secure the medical care and assistance you need in the future, pay for any past medical expenses, be compensated for your loss of earnings and for the pain and suffering incurred throughout this devastating injury.